Based on the topic and nature of your paper you have two different publication options:
- Springer Science, Research and Engineering Proceedings
- Open Access Compendium (OAC) "Assistive Technology, Accessibility and (e)Inclusion"
Please be aware of their topical focus and, due to their publication policies, their different formats, deadlines and target audience. The review process by the Scientific Committee of the conference is the same.
Springer Science, Research and Engineering Proceedings (Springer LNCS)
The conference invites interested participants to publish original science, research and engineering work related to Assistive Technology, eAccessibility and eInclusion in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) proceedings. LNCS aims at scientific excellence and selects papers in technology/engineering in a two steps peer-review process (acceptance rate ~60%). Volumes published in the LNCS series are made available to the following indexing services:
- ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (CPCI-S), included in ISI Web of Science
- EI Engineering Index (Compendex and Inspec databases)
- ACM Digital Library
- Google Scholar
- IO-Port
- MathSciNet
- Scopus
- Zentralblatt MATH
Registration to the conference by at least one author per paper is mandatory!
Register following this Link!
For two or more papers by the same author, an additional paper fee applies.
Key Info:
Step one: Well-detailed extended abstracts of original, unpublished work:
- Prepared for a DOUBLE BLIND REVIEW
- To facilitate a fair and double blind review, both, the formbased short introductory abstract (text only, max. 1500 characters including spaces) as well as
- the extended abstract you upload as file (in accessible .pdf or .docx, max. file size = 10Mb)
- MUST NOT contain ANY details or info that could reveal your name and/or affiliation!
- For a successful submission, BOTH, formbased short introductory abstract AND the extended abstract you upload have to be in our conference tool until the deadline (February 2)
- The document you upload as extended abstract has:
- 3 – 4 pages in DIN A4 including all tables, pictures and references,
- font: Times New Roman,
- size: 12pt for main text,
- single space lines,
- single columns,
- margins 2cm each (top, bottom, left right)
- Your uploaded extended abstract must include captions and structured headings
- To be ready for a fair review, your abstract must comprise the following main parts: introduction, state of the art, methodology, (first) results and the most important references
- Submit via the Conference Management System selecting the category "LNCS"
- Deadline: February 2, 2024
- Reviewed by 3 experts
- Notification of Acceptance: March 15, 2024
Step two: Camera Ready version of accepted papers strictly following the LNCS guidelines
- 6 - 8 pages in camera ready LNCS format (including pictures and references) following Springer LNCS Guidelines
- Additional pages (up to a max of 12 pages per paper) may be purchased – additional fees apply!
- UPLOAD of 2 individual .zip files via the Conference Management System
- Zip one consists of 3 parts (your paper):
- Your final LaTeX repository or Word .docx, prepared following Springer LNCS Guidelines
- the final .pdf exported from it
- a folder with all pictures and graphs used in your final paper as .jpg or .png with a resolution of 300dpi ready to be taken (no cutting, zooming, shrinking etc. needed)
- Zip two comprises the two administrative files for Springer:
- Contact.txt, a simple txt-file with contact information (name and working eMail address) of the corresponding author and
- Springer License to Publish Form In case you do NOT use the form provided in our link here, use the following information:
Editors: Miesenberger, K.; Kobayashi, M.; Penaz, P. (Eds.)
Title: ICCHP 2024 - Computers Helping People with Special Needs, 19th International Conference; Linz, Austria, July 8 -12, 2024, Proceedings, Springer, LNCS
- Deadline: April 12, 2024
Step three: Onsite presentation at the conference (timeslots of approximately 20 minutes including discussion).
- UPLOAD of your presentation either as .pptx or accessible .pdf via the Conference Management System
- ICCHP is committed to support the participation of people with disabilities. Your cooperation in terms of making your presentation accessibile is therefore required and appreciated. We recommend to visit guidelines and recommendations for accessible presentations as e.g. "How to Make Presentations Accessible to All" by W3C/WAI.
Open Access (OA) Policy:
- Springer offers the option of making your publication open access. More at the Springer Open Access Page.
- Authors must indicate their intention to publish Open Access during upload for each camera-ready paper.
- The open access fee will be directly invoiced by Springer and/or its associates once the digital OA publication is ready.
ICCHP Open Access Compendium (OAC) “Future Perspectives on Accessibility, AT and (e)Inclusion”
The conference invites interested participants to publish their work focusing on social, political, legal, medical, psychological, educational and other interdisciplinary aspects related to ICT/AT/eAccessibility in the digital edition of the Open Access Compendium “Future Perspectives on Accessibility, AT and (e)Inclusion” - with ISBN 978-3-903480-07-0 for ICCHP 2024.
The OAC series invite to publish original basic and applied scientific R&D from diverse fields without restriction to engineering (see LNCS). OAC aims to provide from an interdisciplinary and cross-sector perspective a good overview of advancements into the user-, practice- and service-driven domains of AT, Accessibility and (e)Inclusion (please refer to the list of topics at the end of the Call). Progress and success are based on the interaction with, contribution by and participation of all stakeholder groups (e.g., users, end user organizations, service providers, policy, administration, industry, NGOs). Every voice counts in the exchange on the impact of R&D on practice and in domains in need of creative and innovative R&D and co-operation.
Exchange and co-operation between practice and R&D is a key asset for technical and social innovation. We invite interested authors coming from diverse domains and disciplines to submit extended abstracts of research work, but also more practice-oriented concept papers, models, reports, and position papers on topics related to our field. The compendium will also include contributions from the Forum part of the program (see below). These contributions will support a creative and innovative program facilitating cross-sector and cross-stakeholder interaction and dissemination.
Registration to the conference by at least one author per contribution is mandatory!
Register following this Link!
Key info:
Step one: Abstracts of original, unpublished work
- Prepared for a DOUBLE BLIND REVIEW
- To facilitate a fair and double blind review, both, the formbased short introductory abstract (text only, max. 1500 characters including spaces) as well as
- the extended abstract you upload as file (in accessible .pdf or .docx, max. file size = 10Mb)
- MUST NOT contain ANY details or info that could reveal your name and/or affiliation!
- For a successful submission, BOTH, formbased short introductory abstract AND the extended abstract you upload have to be in our conference tool until the deadline (February 2)
- The document you upload as extended abstract has:
- 3 – 4 pages in DIN A4 including all tables, pictures and references,
- font: Times New Roman,
- size: 12pt for main text,
- single space lines,
- single columns,
- margins 2cm each (top, bottom, left right)
- Your uploaded extended abstract must include captions and structured headings
- To be ready for a fair review, your abstract must comprise the following main parts: introduction, state of the art, methodology, (first) results and the most important references
- Submit via the Conference Management System selecting the category "OAC"
- Deadline: February 2, 2024
- Reviewed by 3 experts
- Notification of Acceptance: March 15, 2024
Step two: Final version of the paper strictly following the OAC guidelines:
- DOWNLOAD our Template as
OAC 24 template.docx to write your camera ready submission directly with this document and
OAC 24 template.pdf as guideline, a look & feel example and to check the compliance of yout paper to our formatting rules.
- Elaborate your submission following the reviewers comments to up to 4 - 8 pages in OAC format (check regularly!)
- UPLOAD 2 individual .zip files via the Conference Management System
- Zip one consists of 3 parts (your paper):
- Your final Word .docx, prepared strictly following the OAC guidelines and using the
OAC 24 template.docx.
- the final .pdf exported from it
- a folder with all pictures and graphs used in your final paper as .jpg or .png with a resolution of 300dpi ready to be taken (no cutting, zooming, shrinking etc. needed)
- Zip two comprises the two administrative files for Publishing with OAC:
- Contact.txt, a Text-File (.txt) with 2 lines: Your name and your preferred contact eMail address. Find an example for your convenience here
- Filled in and signed
- Deadline: April 12, 2024
Step three: Onsite presentation at the conference (timeslots of approximately 20 minutes including discussion).
- UPLOAD of your presentation either as .pptx or accessible .pdf via the Conference Management System
- ICCHP is committed to support the participation of people with disabilities. Your cooperation in terms of making your presentation accessibile is therefore required and appreciated. We recommend to visit guidelines and recommendations for accessible presentations as e.g. "How to Make Presentations Accessible to All" by W3C/WAI.
Review Criteria
PLEASE NOTE: All contributions will be reviewed against the following criteria:
- Relevance to the conference
- Scientific Quality
- Originality / Novelty / Innovation
- User Involvement and User Centered Approach
- State of the Art
- Readability and Organisation of the Paper