The following, non-exhaustive list of topics outlines the scope of the event:
(e)Accessibility addresses overcoming or proactive avoiding barriers for people with disabilities in the information society, e.g. Web, Software, Document, Communication and Conversation, Consumer Electronics (e.g. iDTV accessibility) and Built Environment Accessibility; besides aspects like guidelines, standards, techniques and tools for development, evaluation and repair, it gives a particular focus on how to include accessibility into the engineering process.
(e)Ageing and Gerontechnology discusses systems and tools helping people to maintain autonomy and independence when ageing. How such systems can be designed for persons who are not familiar with technologies is part of this topic, too.
Ambient and Assisted Living (AAL), Internet of Things (IoT) and Sensor Technology outlines the potential, accessibility and usability of the fast-growing application of embedded, smart and pervasive systems for people with disabilities by integrating, enhancing and supporting the interaction via the standardized ICT/HCI/AT experience.
Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems invite to consider Assistive Technologies and user-centered solutions for self-determined user interaction, robotics, efficient and effective service provision in all domains as accessibility, communication and translation (incl. sign/symbol languages and AAC), independent living, sheltered and inclusive work, orientation and mobility, safety and security, learning and education, personalization, health and well-being and inclusive R&D/design.
Assessment, Profiling and Personalization calls for research on methodologies, concepts and techniques for evaluating capabilities and needs of individuals and how to translate them into computable profiles. This should allow better matching of persons and technology. IT looks into the use of alternative abilities and skills to overcome / compensate for functional limitations related to vision, hearing, motor, mobility, cognition and chronical illness.
Assistive Technology (AT) focuses on innovation and advancing the quality and availability of assistive devices aiming at overcoming or compensating functional limitations and its impact. This includes contributions of mainstream technology showing potential for supporting people with disabilities, special Rehabilitation Technology and Biomedical Engineering.
Augmented and Alternative Communication (AAC) intends to progress methods and tools for people with problems in spoken and written communication.
Cloud Computing analyzes the potential of shared and configurable Internet based resources for enhanced AT and services as well as the challenges for eAccessibility.
Design for All (Universal Design) highlights the proactive application of principles, methods and tools to meet the requirements of the biggest possible user group including those with disabilities in fields like e.g. architecture, transport, housing, public buildings, work place, information, education.
eGovernment and eDemocracy discuss eAccessibility of ICT and Internet based public services for all citizens.
eHealth, eCare, Digital Health - discuss the impact of technology on person-centred health and social care and support services, synergetic aspects of ICT/AT and Accessibility for diagnostics, integrated care, therapy, training and rehabilitation.
eInclusion, Economics, Policies and Legislation outline programmes, legal contexts and funding opportunities aiming at a better exploitation of ICT, AT and eAccessibility for inclusion. It calls for empirical studies and comparative analysis on the state of the art for developing and executing user driven programs.
eLearning and Education illustrate new dimensions opened by ICT/AT for didactic and methodological settings and the changing role for learners, teachers and administrators; it addresses education of people with disabilities in all is aspects, education of service providers and professionals as well as the inclusion of eAccessibility into mainstream education.
Ethics, Safety, Security, Vulnerability, Gender Aspects and Bias of using ICT/AT by people with disabilities, in particular related to the challenges of AI Fairness.
Global Co-Operation in removing barriers to access assistive technology, the role of international organizations.
HCI and Non-Classical Interfaces explore the potential of emerging Human-Computer Interaction developments like sensor-based interaction, Brain-Computer Interaction (BCI), gesture interaction, natural language interfaces, tangible interfaces, game-based interfaces, computer vision, virtual and augmented environments (VR/AR), wearable computing, adaptive interfaces, mobile and touch technology, multimedia, multi- or a-Modal interaction.
History in AT and eInclusion gives a tribute to the founders of our discipline and aims at avoiding to reinvent the wheel.
Labour Market Inclusion discusses how to ameliorate the career opportunities of people with disabilities by using ICT/AT and making the work place accessible and how to better qualify users and professionals.
Social Innovation and (e)Service Delivery covers all aspects (human, economic, organizational and management) involved in implementing concrete services. ICCHP discusses ideas and concepts of social innovation, e.g. user driven and crowd-sourcing approaches and the potential of ICT /AT and eAccessibility. This includes presentation and discussion of examples, empirical studies, quality measures and interdisciplinary aspects of a holistic service provision.
Usability and Ergonomics focus on day to day use of (accessible) ICT/HCI/AT based systems and services and their efficiency, effectiveness, memorability, flexibility, joy ... of use for people with disabilities and their environment.
User Centered Design and User Participation underline the importance of involving end users at eye level in all steps of R&D towards application and present strategies, methods and experiences for a more user driven R&D practice. The success story of many of the user groups invite to reach out and facilitate inclusive R&D for all user groups.