
The 11th Roland Wagner Award, ICCHP-AAATE 2022:
Deb Fels- Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada

The 10th Roland Wagner Award, ICCHP 2020:
Jan Engelen

for his outstanding achievements in the field of accessibility.

Jan Engelen

The 9th Roland Wagner Award, ICCHP 2018:
NVDA - Michael Curran and James Teh

for their outstanding achievements in developing a free, open source screen reader that supports 43 different languages. Read more about the background of NVDA.

Award Ceremony 2018: Klaus Höckner (OCG, Hilfgemeinschaft der Blinden und Sehschwachen Österreichs, Award Nomination Committee), Michale Curran (Award Winner), EA Draffan (University of Southampton, Award Nomination Committee), Klaus Miesenberger (ICCHP/OCG/JKU).

The 8th Roland Wagner Award, ICCHP 2016:
Dominique Burger, INSERM, BrailleNet, France

for outstanding achievements in the field of accessibility.

Award ceremony and award winner, Dominique Burger (BrailleNet)

Award Ceremony 2016: Dominique Burger (background image), Klaus Miesenberger and Roland Wagner (both ICCHP/OCG/JKU), Bruno Marmol and Alex Bernier (both BrailleNet), Ronald Bieber (OCG)

The 7th ICCHP Roland Wagner Award, ICCHP 2014:
Prof. Dr. Art Karshmer, University of San Francisco, USA
Prof. Dr. Masakazu SuzukiKyushu University, Japan

for outstanding achievements in the field of accessibility of mathematics.

Klaus Miesenberger, Ronald Bieber, Masakazu Suzuki, Roland Wagner, Arthur Karshmer, Dominique Burger

Award Ceremony 2014: Klaus Miesenberger (ICCHP/OCG/JKU), Ronald Bieber (OCG), Masakazu Suzuki (Award Winner), Roland Wagner (ICCHP/OCG/JKU), Arthur Karshmer (Award Winner), Dominique Burger (ICCHP Award Committee)

The 6th ICCHP Roland Wagner Award, ICCHP 2012:
The TRACE Centre of the University Wisconsin-Madison

Logo TRACE Centre  for their outstanding achievements in advancing Assistive Technologies and Accessibility over the last decades. Read more about the background of the TRACE Centre. The award was handed over to the founder and director of the TRACE Centre, Dr. Gregg Vanderheiden.

Photo of Award Ceremony

Handing over the Award: Roland Wagner (Founder ICCHP), Ronald Bieber (General Secretary OCG), Art Karshmer (Chair Award Nomination Committee), Gregg Vanderheiden (TRACE Center)

Photo Gregg Vanderheiden holding the award

Gregg Vanderheiden, Director of the TRACE Centere.

The 5th ICCHP Roland Wagner Award, ICCHP 2010:
Harry Murphy and Joachim Klaus

The nomination committee decided to split the 2010 award. Harry Murphy and Joachim Klaus are awarded for their life long dedicated work to establish services for people with disabilities. These services became models for initiatives around the globe. In addition Harry Murphy and Joachim Klaus are recognised for their support of ICCHP since its beginning.

Harry Murphy is the founder and former director of the Centre on Disabilities at California State University at Northridge (CSUN), USA, and the CSUN conference. He acted as general chair for ICCHP for many years.

Joachim Klaus is the Managing Director of the Study Centre for Visually Impaired Students (SZS) at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany which has become a model for many other support centres in Europe and beyond. Since its beginning he is part of the Programme Committee of ICCHP, he organised the conference in Karlsruhe in the year 2000 and acts as publishing co-chair since 2000.

Portrait Harry Murphy, Award Winner 2010    ICCHP Award Trophy    Joachim Klaus, Award Winner 2010

The 4th ICCHP Roland Wagner Award, ICCHP 2008:
George Kersher and the Daisy Consortium

for outstanding developments for print disabled people with world wide impact.

Winner 2008, George Kersher

The 3rd ICCHP Roland Wagner Award, ICCHP 2006:
Larry Scadden

for dedicated work for equal rights and opportunities for people with disabilities having world wide impact and work at the National Science Foundation.

Winner 2006, Larry Scadden with wife and daughter 

The 2nd ICCHP Roland Wagner Award, ICCHP 2004:
Paul Blenkhorn

for scientific work and software development in the field of Assistive Technologies, in particular to make them available in developing countries.

Paul Blenkhorn

The 1st ICCHP Roland Wagner Award, ICCHP 2002:
Judy Brewer, W3C/WAI

for their engagement and development for guidelines and tools for web accessibility.

Judy Brewer

Special Award 2006:
Prof. Dr. Roland Traunmüller, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Institute Integriert Studieren

former heads of the Institute Integriert Studieren on the occasion of the 15th anniversary celebration of the institute.

Roland Traunmueller

Special Award 2003:
Prof. Dr. A Min Tjoa, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Institute Integriert Studieren

for the co-founders of ICCHP, on the occasion of his 50th birthday.

A Min Tjoa

Award 0 and Initiating Award 2002:
Prof. Dr. Roland Wagner

founder of ICCHP and the Institute Integriert Studieren, on the occasion of his 50th birthday.

Roland Wagner  

Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft, OCG | Forschungseinrichtungen |  Wissenschaft im Austria-ForumEndowed by the Austrian Computer Society.