New Methods for Creating Accessible Material in Higher Education
The right to inclusive education is guaranteed by Article 24 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities including access to higher education. Universities and other institutions for higher education are responsible to provide accessible study conditions such as barrier-free campuses and accessible lecture material. Study material includes handwritten, digital or scanned lecture notes, academic papers, slides, books, and assignments but also graphic content in two and three dimensions and other essential study materials needed for class participation, lab activities and exams. However, many study materials are not accessible. Thus, they need to be customized to the unique working methods of individual students with disabilities regarding vision, hearing, motor, cognition, speaking, socio-psychological issues or neurodiverse.In this Special Thematic Session (STS), we address all aspects of making teaching materials accessible.Call for Contributions:This STS invites contributions on all aspects of the preparation and creation of accessible teaching and learning materials including:
- Tools and applications that guide people through all relevant steps for the creation of accessible materials
- User-guided or (semi-)automatically methods with and without AI for adapting study material
- Best practices for transfer methods
- Accessible handling of special cases in the STEM field. Chemistry, graphics (2D and 3D), alternative approaches.
Karin Müller, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Thorsten Schwarz, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Rainer Stiefelhagen, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Michaela Hanousková, Masaryk University Brno- Boris Janča, Masaryk University Brno
Svatoslav Ondra, Masaryk University Brno
Radek Pavlíček, Masaryk University Brno
Lukáš Másilko, Masaryk University Brno- Petr Penaz, Masaryk University Brno
Andrea Petz, Johannes Kepler University Linz
Contributions to a STS have to be submitted using the standard submission procedures of ICCHP24.
When submitting your contribution please make sure to select the right STS from the drop-down list "Special Thematic Session". Contributions to a STS are evaluated by the Programme Committee of ICCHP-AAATE and by the chair(s) of the STS. Please get in contact with the STS chair(s) for discussing your contribution and potential involvement in the session.