Web Accessibility: Methods, Techniques and Tools for Design, Development and Evaluation/Monitoring
Web Accessibility has become technically mature, politically accepted and legally enforced around the world. In Europe for example, following the UNCRPD the Web Accessibility Directive (Directive 2016/2102), the European Accessibility Act and the related standard EN 301 549 shape a comprehensive frame for implementing Web Accessibility. The question is no longer if, but how to implement Web Accessibility in an efficient and effective manner in Web design, engineering and content provision process.This session invites to report on developments and studies focussing on but not limited to:
- State of the Art and advancements in Web Accessibility: Awareness, legislation, methods, techniques, tools, implementation
- Monitoring of the implementation of the WAD - state of the art in the 27 EU countries
- Including Web/Software Accessibility in the process and daily practice of design, development and content provision
- Challenges in Web Accessibility Design
- Challenges in Web evaluation/monitoring
- Improving user involvement, participation and user centred Web Accessibility
- Accessibility and Usability of new interface elements, widgets and gadgets (e.g. overlays) and their use as Accessibility support tools or for general content provision
- Training and education in Web Accessibility
- Certification of Websites - different examples throughout Europe - the example of Austria with WACA
Acknowledgement: This session is organised in the frame of the AccessibleEU project, co-funded by the European Commission.
Nataša Rajh, Johannes Kepler University Linz
Matjaž Debevc, AccessibleEU Slovenia
Reinhard Koutny, Johannes Keplter University Linz
Klaus Höckner, Hilfsgemeinschaft der Blinden und Sehschwachen Österreichs
Klaus Miesenberger, Johannes Kepler University Linz
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