Therese Willkomm

Therese Willkomm, PhD, is the Director of New Hampshire’s State Assistive Technology Program with the Institute on Disability at the University of New Hampshire (UNH) and is an associate professor in the Department of Occupational Therapy teaching assistive technology courses and overseeing the graduate certificate program in Assistive Technology. Dr. Willkomm is known nationally and internationally for her unique approach to creating thousands of assistive technology solutions in minutes. She has invented over 1,120 assistive technology devices for individuals with disabilities including her patented A.T. Pad Stand, a multiuse assistive technology mounting device. She is also known for her training in universal design for learning and working. She has presented her work in 42 states, seven foreign countries and three U.S. Territories; has written 22 assistive technology related publications including her new book titled: “Assistive Technology Solutions in Minutes – Book 2 – Ordinary Items, Extraordinary Solutions; and has appeared on RFD TV, CNN and most recently NPR Science Friday.
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Organization: University of New Hampshire