Archiv 2018


  • From July 4 the online version of proceedings are available at springer-link:

(LNCS 10896 - ICCHP 2018, Part I)
(LNCS 10897 - ICCHP 2018, Part II)

Welcome to ICCHP!

ICCHP 2018 was taking place from July 11-13, at Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Altenbergerstrasse 69, 4040 Linz, Austria. Find it on Google maps

Preconference was taking place from July 09-10.

ICCHP provides a unique platform for end users, researchers, developers and practitioners including amongst others:

Good to know: 

  • ICCHP 2016 proceedings are available online at Springer Link:

 a picuture of the icchp2016 tag cloud