Tactile Maps and Map Data for Orientation and Mobility
In the last years there is a steadily growing number of approaches which directly or indirectly use OpenStreetMap (OSM) data for tactile materials. Many papers mention that there are numerous open questions regarding how tactile materials using electronic resources could be presented, e.g., on how to generate tactile maps and how their (audio-)tactile representation should be. Some aspects can be derived from guidelines to manually constructed tactile graphics, but there are also special issues which are related to data sources or map data itself. Additionally, OpenStreetMap data includes several map features for accessibility (e.g., buildings entries, blind-specific traffic light attributes) which can be used to give useful hints for blind people. This STS aims at discussing recent achievements in the area of tactile materials using OSM and addresses common issues which should be solved in future. In particular, there will be a focus on open challenges regarding internationalization.As a goal, this STS is expected to share experiences amongst researchers and to consolidate domain-specific knowledge. Ideally, it gives researchers hints on how to accelerate and focus their works towards a unified approach to (semi-)automatically generate (audio-)tactile materials for blind people.
Timo Götzelmann, Nuremberg Institute of Technology
Tetsuya Watanabe , Niigata University
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