Technology for Inclusion and Participation
The UN CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES has put a new perspective and reinforced emphasis on the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all persons with disabilities. The use of available technologies is seen as a central precondition and tool towards the goals of the convention and the implementation of inclusion and participation. Technology is addressed in three ways: assistive technology, accessibility and universal design. It requests the use of traditional rehabilitation technology, but also new media and new technology. In countries and situations where little has been made available the countries need to cover up and improve. Highly developed countries and societies are requested to make use of the potential of modern technologies. Research in the area of technology for inclusion and participation is needed and has to contribute to this development towards the UN goals.The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) of the World Health Organization (WHO) provides a systematic framework for research. Application areas include the domains of communication and social interaction, daily living, education, employment, and health. Special emphasis needs to be given to the development of preventive measures in preparation for the demographic change through aging and migration. Interdisciplinary research can initiate, conduct and coordinates projects that investigate new ways to improve the inclusion, participation and wellbeing of individuals with disabilities, impairments or disadvantages.An end user-centered and evidence-based approach needs to address core societal challenges in order to efficiently promote inclusion and participation of individuals in need. Questions on the embedding of technology in social settings need to be addressed: How can technology and non-technological assistance be linked, in which places and by which persons with which competences? Multidisciplinary cooperation is needed that includes engineers, computer scientists, social scientists, educators, psychologists, linguistics, and communication scientists, etc.Important strands of action involve also policy advice, workshops and trainings, and evaluations.In this session we look for master plans, experiences and approaches on technology for inclusion and participation in the context of the UN convention by players from research, policy, industry and user organisations.
Christian Bühler, TU Dortmund, FTB Vollmarstein
Bastian Pelka, Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund
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