Logo of ICCHP Conference
  16th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs
--- Please excuse multiple postings ---

Update 1/18

1. Paper Submission ends February 1st

No stress, BUT: Paper Submission ends February 1st, 2018!
Submit following: ICCHP website
Use the opportunity to give us a most appropriate indication on possible STS, target group and overall topic of your paper!

2. ICCHP 2018 Special Thematic Sessions

Check out the impressive list of already announced STS for ICCHP 2018 following STS List ICCHP 2018.

3. Excellence in the Process of AT Provision - AAATE Workshop at ICCHP 2018

At ICCHP 2018 preconference, AAATE invites contributions on experiences, models, procedures and research strenghtening the pathway to higher outcomes.
Information will be available soon on AAATE website.
A fee / special regulations may apply for this workshop. As our special service, participation in this workshop is included for registered ICCHP participants!

4. Related Events

You might be interested in the following events:

  • CSUN Assistive Technology Conference 2018, San Diego, CA, USA, March 19 - 23, 2018.
    CSUN 2018.
  • ISG 2018, St. Petersburg, Florida, USA, May 7 - 11, 2018.
    Further information: ISG 2018.

Come and get involved!

Conference: July 11 - 13, 2018 (preconference July 9 & 10 2018)

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