ICCHP provides facilities for meetings of project consortia, associations and other organisations while rooms are available. Possibilities for presenting project results will be made available (e.g. exhibition space, seminars). Meetings and Project Presentations should be announced till July 1, 2014.
Please send per e-mail (icchp@jku.at) the following information:
- Name:
- Affiliation:
- Title of meeting:
- Expected number of participants:
- Facilities needed
Organisation and Participation
Organising a meeting is free for registered conference participants. Rooms and facilities will be provided on a first submit, first serve basis.
Participation in meetings is free for all registered conference participants. For persons only attending the meeting, a daily or half day rate will be calculated.
For further information please contact the conference office:
Johannes Kepler University of Linz
Institute Integriert Studieren
Altenbergerstraße 69
4040 Linz