The 14th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (ICCHP)
will be held at
July 09 - 11, 2014
(Pre-Conference July 07 - 08, 2014).
ICCHP provides a unique platform for end users, researchers, developers and practitioners including amongst others:
- A scientific conference presenting and discussing reviewed papers (~50% acceptance rate) which will be published in SPRINGER Lecture Notes in Computer Science
- Special Thematic Sessions organised, chaired and supervised for publishing by leading experts to provide a comprehensive overview to very specific aspects of eAccessibility and eInclusion
- A special track on Universal Learning Design organised by colleagues from the Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
- A Young Researchers Consortium to support the formation of the next generation of experts in eAccessibility and eInclusion
- A Summer University for young blind students intending to enter math, science and engineering studies
- A programming competition final "Project Possibility"
- A pre-conference including Workshops/Tutorials and Meetings
- Space for Exhibition and Poster Presentations
- The ICCHP Roland Wagner Award sponsored by the Austrian Computer Society
- An agreeable Social Programme for networking and enjoyment
ICCHP has been attended by more than 400 international and 200 national guests in the last years making it a major event in this field.
Come and get involved!
Download the first announcement here: First Announcement (.pdf, 935kB)
Further information (City of Paris-St.Denis, Université Paris 8) will be available, soon.
For a short insight and retrospection of ICCHP2012 you might want to look at the videos of ICCHP 2012 (Opening Session etc).
You find all pictures and videos of ICCHP2012 here