Conference Day 1
Opening Ceremony & Keynotes09:00 - 10:30
Break10:30 - 11:00
Session A11:00 - 13:00
Track I | Track II | Track III | Track IV |
Topic: Universal Learning Design: Methodology
Chair: Petr Penaz Chu C.: The Literacy of Integrating Assistive Technology into Classroom Instruction for Special Education Teachers in Taiwan (F) |
Jang I.: Semi-automatic DVS Authoring Method (F) |
Topic: Mobility Support and Accessible Tourism
Chairs: Dimitrios Buhalis, Elina Michopoulou, Franz Pühretmair Watanabe T.: Tactile Map Automated Creation System Using OpenStreetMap (F) |
Topic: People with Cognitive Disabilities: AT, ICT & AAC
Chair: Martin Morandell Gappa H.: Extended Scaffolding by Remote Collaborative Interaction to Support People with Dementia in Independent Living – A User Study (F) |
Amado-Salvatierra H.: Towards a Methodology for Curriculum Development within an Accessible Virtual Campus (S) | Nakajima S.: Gaps between the Expectations of People with Hearing Impairment toward Subtitles and the Current Conditions for Subtitle Creation in Japan (S) | Kulyukin V.: Narrative Map Augmentation with Automated Landmark Extraction and Path Inference (S) | Inoue K.: Effective Application of PALRO: A Humanoid Type Robot for People with Dementia (F) |
Christensen L.: The Use of Assistive Technologies as Learning Technologies to Facilitate Flexible Learning in Higher Education (F) | Bühler C.: Empowerment by Digital Media of People with Disabilities: Three Dimensions of Support (F) | Nietzio A.: The Mobile Travel Assistance System NAMO with Way-Finding Support in Public Transport Environments (S) | Czaja S.: The Feasibility and Efficacy of Technology-Based Support Groups among Family Caregivers of Persons with Dementia (S) |
Papadopoulos K.: University Examinations for Students with Visual Impairments (F) | Kushalnagar R.: Tactile Captions: Augmenting Visual Captions (F) | Koutny R.: A Mobile Guidance Platform for Public Transportation (F) | Martinez-Normand L.: Evaluating New Interaction Paradigms in SEN Teaching: Defining the Experiment (F) |
Bosse I.: “Planet School”: Blended Learning for Inclusive Classrooms (F) | Takeuchi Y.: Captioning System with Function of Inserting Mathematical Formula (F) | Ito K.: FB-Finger: Development of a Novel Electric Travel Aid with a Unique Haptic Interface (F) | Shpigelman C.: How to Make Online Social Networks Accessible for Users with Intellectual Disability? (F) |
Topic: Universal Learning Design: Hearing Impaired and Deaf People
Chair: Petr Penaz Bumbalek Z.: Ensuring Sustainable Development of Simultaneous Online Transcription Services for People with Hearing Impairment in the Czech Republic (F) |
Wald M.: Synote Second Screening: Using Mobile Devices for Video Annotation (S) | Ding C.: Open Accessibility Data Interlinking (F) | Balasi P.: Computer games for diagnosis and treatment of elderly people with dementia-Alzheimer (U) |
Honda T.: User Interface Design of Sound Tactile (S) | Lim W.: Dynamic Subtitle Authoring Method Based on Audio Analysis for the Hearing Impaired (F) | Zinke F.: Pre-journey Visualization of Travel Routes for the Blind on Refreshable Interactive Tactile Displays (F) | Chu C.: Making Music Meaningful with Adaptive Immediate Feedback Drill for Teaching Children with Cognitive Impairment: A Dual Coding Strategy to Aural Skills (S) |
Break13:00 - 14:00
Session B14:00 - 16:00
Track 1 | Track 2 | Track 3 | Track 4 |
Topic: Universal Learning Design: Hearing Impaired and Deaf People
Chair: Petr Penaz Eden S.: Enhancing Storytelling Ability with Virtual Environment among Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Children (F) |
Topic: Text Entry for Accessible Computing
Chairs: Torsten Felzer, I. Scott MacKenzie, Mathieu Raynal Felzer T.: Applying Small-Keyboard Computer Control to the Real World (F) |
Topic: Mobility Support and Accessible Tourism
Chairs: Dimitrios Buhalis, Elina Michopoulou, Franz Pühretmair Suenaga T.: Road Information Collection and Sharing System Based on Social Framework (S) |
Topic: Autism: ICT and AT
Chair: Roland Wagner Mashat A.: Improving Social and Communication Skills of Adult Arabs with ASD through the Use of Social Media Technologies (F) |
Arato A.: Teaching Morse Language to a Deaf-Blind Person for Reading and Writing SMS on an Ordinary Vibrating Smartphone (S) | Vigouroux N.: Design and Evaluation of Multi-function Scanning System: A Case Study (F) | Jouffrais C.: Waypoint Validation Strategies in Assisted Navigation for Visually Impaired Pedestrian (F) | Mintz J.: The Role of User Emotional Attachment in Driving the Engagement of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in Using a Smartphone App Designed to Develop Social and Life Skill Functioning (F) |
Hosono N.: Urgent Communication Method for Deaf, Language Dysfunction and Foreigners (F) | Raynal M.: Semantic Keyboard: Fast Movements between Keys of a Soft Keyboard (F) | Carrasco Alonso E.: ARGUS Autonomous Navigation System for People with Visual Impairments (F) | Schouten D.: Gamification for Low-Literates: Findings on Motivation, User Experience, and Study Design (F) |
Falk V.: Building an Application for Learning the Finger Alphabet of Swiss German Sign Language through Use of the Kinect (S) | Lo H.: The Application of Computerized Chinese Handwriting Assessment Tool to Children with Cerebral Palsy (F) | Barouti M.: A University Indoors Audio-Tactile Mobility Aid for Individuals with Blindness (F) | Chen W.: Designing Tangible and Multitouch Games for Autistic Children (S) |
Fels D.: TerpTube: A Signed Language Mentoring Management System (F) | Popescu C.: EyeSchool: An Educational Assistive Technology for People with Disabilities - Passing from Single Actors to Multiple-Actor Environment (F) | Schmitz B.: An OpenStreetMap Editing Interface for Visually Impaired Users Based on Geo-semantic Information (S) | Balasi P.: You Talk! – YOU vs AUTISM (F) |
Kushalnagar R.: Collaborative Gaze Cues and Replay for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students (F) |
Topic: ICT-Based Learning Technologies for Disabled and Non-Disabled People
Chair: Marion Hersh Ball S.: The Development of Training Modules on ICT to Support Disabled Lifelong Learners (S) |
Schmitz B.: Individualized Route Planning and Guidance Based on Map Content Transformations (F) | Ahmad M.: A Game-Based Intervention for Improving the Communication Skills of Autistic Children in Pakistan (S) |
Topic: Universal Learning Design: Sign Language in Education
Chair: Petr Penaz Domagała-Zyśk E.: The role of speech and sign language in teaching English as a foreign language to the D/deaf and hard of hearing students (U) |
Koester D.: Cognitive Evaluation of Haptic and Audio Feedback in Short Range Navigation Tasks (F) | ||
Break16:00 - 16:30
Session C16:30 - 18:00
Track 1 | Track 2 | Track 3 | Track 4 |
Topic: Universal Learning Design: Sign Language in Education
Chair: Petr Penaz Zbakh M.: Toward a Reversed Dictionary of French Sign Language (FSL) on the Web (F) |
Topic: ICT-Based Learning Technologies for Disabled and Non-Disabled People
Chair: Marion Hersh Hersh M.: Evaluating ICT Based Learning Technologies for Disabled People (F) |
Mussinelli C.: The Case of LIA – Libri Italiani Accessibili (S) |
Topic: Emotions for Accessibility (E4A)
Chair: Dr. Yehya Mohamad Mohamad D.: Detection and Utilization of Emotional State for Disabled Users (F) |
Othman A.: A Novel Approach for Translating English Statements to American Sign Language Gloss (F) | Amado-Salvatierra H.: Accessibility in Virtual Learning Environments: An experience of staff training in Latin-America (U) | Jang Y.: A Comparison of the Listening Speed of the Korean TTS for the Blind: Based on Their Screen Reader Experiences (S) | Belda Lois J.: Influence of Emotions on Web Usability for Users with Motor Disorders (S) |
Dalle P.: Tools for working in sign language and for editing bilingual documents (U) | Dahn I.: Supporting Senior Citizen Using Tablet Computers (F) | Sorin L.: Communicating Text Structure to Blind People with Text-to-Speech (F) | Belda Lois J.: User Participation in the Design of an Alternative Communication System for Children with Diskinetic Cerebral Palsy Including Emotion Management (F) |
Aouiti N.: For a translating system from Arabic text to sign language (U) | Fujiyoshi A.: Development of Multimodal Textbooks with Invisible 2-Dimensional Codes for Students with Print Disabilities (F) | Fume K.: TTS-Based DAISY Content Creation System: Implementation and Evaluation of DaisyRings™ (F) | Kaklanis N.: A Unified Semantic Framework for Detailed Description of Assistive Technologies Based on the EASTIN Taxonomy (F) |
Topic: Sign Language Transcription, Recognition and Generation
Chair: Petr Penaz Jaballah K.: Hand Location Classification from 3D Signing Virtual Avatars Using Neural Networks (F) |
Juresic M.: EduCards - Virtual reality and Universal Learning Design application (U) | Martos A.: Patterns of Blind Users’ Hand Movements: The Case of Typographic Signals of Documents Rendered by Eight-Dot and Six-Dot Braille Code (F) | |
Break18:00 - 18:30
Social Dinner - Apero18:30 - 19:00
Social Dinner19:00 - 00:00
Conference Day 2
Session D09:00 - 11:00
Track 1 | Track 2 | Track 3 | Track 4 |
Topic: Sign Language Transcription, Recognition and Generation
Chair: Petr Penaz Jaballah K.: Towards a Phonological Construction of Classifier Handshapes in 3D Sign Language (F) |
Topic: Accessibility of Non-verbal Communication
Chairs: Andreas Kunz, Max Mühlhäuser,Klaus Miesenberger Schnelle-Walka D.: Multimodal Fusion and Fission within W3C Standards for Nonverbal Communication with Blind Persons (F) |
Ošlejšek R.: Dialogue-Based Information Retrieval from Images (F) |
Manduchi R.: Transit Information Access for Persons with Visual or Cognitive Impairments (F) |
Jebali M.: Efficient Tracking Method to Make a Real Time Sign Language Recognition System (S) | Alavi A.: Accessibility of Brainstorming Sessions for Blind People (F) |
Topic: The impact of PDF/UA on Accessible PDF
Chair: Olaf Drümmer Erle M.: Implementing PDF/UA in Microsoft Word - How Can PDF/UA Become an Everyday Part of Document Authoring? (S) |
Zegarra Flores J.: Indoor Navigation System for the Visually Impaired Using One Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) and Barometer to Guide in the Subway Stations and Commercial Centers (F) |
Bouzid Y.: A Virtual Signer to Interpret SignWriting (F) | Pölzer S.: Presenting Non-verbal Communication to Blind Users in Brainstorming Sessions (F) | Darvishy A.: PAVE: A Web Application to Identify and Correct Accessibility Problems in PDF Documents (F) | Guerrier Y.: Communication System for Persons with Cerebral Palsy: In Situ Observation of Social Interaction Following Assisted Information Request (F) |
El Ghoul O.: A Multi-layer Model for Sign Language’s Non-Manual Gestures Generation (F) | Schnelle-Walka D.: Towards an Information State Update Model Approach for Nonverbal Communication (F) | Erle M.: Correcting “Last Mile” Errors - Quality Assurance of PDF/UA Documents Without Being a Developer (S) | Coughlan J.: Determining a Blind Pedestrian’s Location and Orientation at Traffic Intersections (F) |
Boulares M.: SIGNMOTION: An Innovative Creation and Annotation Platform for Sign Language 3D-Content Corpora Building Relying on Low Cost Motion Sensors (F) | Pölzer S.: Virtual Braille-Keyboard in Co-located Meetings (F) | Uebelbacher A.: PDF Accessibility Checker (PAC 2): The First Tool to Test PDF Documents for PDF/UA Compliance (F) | Tsuji A.: The Design and Evaluation of the Body Water Management System to Support the Independent Living of the Older Adult (S) |
Ben Yahia N.: Gestures in Sign Language: Animation and Generation in Real-Time (F) | Schnelle-Walka D.: A Mind Map for Brainstorming Sessions with Blind and Sighted Persons (F) | Spencer A.: A Strategic Approach to Document Accessibility: Integrating PDF/UA into Your Electronic Content (S) | Simon H.: An Investigation into Incorporating Visual Information in Audio Processing (S) |
Topic: Blind and Visually Impaired People: AT, HCI and Accessibility
Chair: Gerhard Weber Minatani K.: Developing Tactile Graphic Output Functions Necessitated in the Performance of Research Using Statistical Methods by Blind Persons (F) |
Moder T.: Indoor Positioning for Visually Impaired People Based on Smartphones (S) | ||
Ohtsuka S.: The Study of a New Actuator for a Two-Point Body-Braille System (S) | |||
Break11:00 - 11:30
Plenary Session: Keynote11:30 - 13:00
Break13:00 - 14:00
Session E14:00 - 16:00
Track 1 | Track 2 | Track 3 | Track 4 |
Topic: Universal Learning Design: Accessibility and AT
Chair: Petr Penaz Lathiere B.: Improving Accessibility of Lectures for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students Using a Speech Recognition System and a Real-Time Collaborative Editor (F) |
Topic: Games and Entertainment Software: Accessibility&Therapy
Chairs: Dominique Archambault, Jérôme Dupire Astell A.: Digital Video Games for Older Adults with Cognitive Impairment (F) |
Topic: Blind and Visually Impaired People: AT, HCI and Accessibility
Chair: Gerhard Weber Kurniawan S.: Design Guidelines of Tools for Facilitating Blind People to Independently Format Their Documents (F) |
Topic: Accessibility and Usability of Mobile Platforms for People with Disabilities and Elderly Persons
Chair: Alireza Darvishy Dobosz K.: Tablets in the Rehabilitation of Memory Impairment (S) |
Watanabe T.: Tactile Star Wheel for Visually Impaired Observers (U) | Sik Lanyi C.: “Gardener” Serious Game for Stroke Patients (S) | Chen Y.: Contribution to the Automation of the Tactile Images Transcription Process (F) | Jafri R.: A Multimodal Tablet–Based Application for the Visually Impaired for Detecting and Recognizing Objects in a Home Environment (S) |
Ohnishi N.: A Smart-Phone Based System to Detect Warning Sound for Hearing Impaired People (F) | Heylen D.: Towards an Interactive Leisure Activity for People with PIMD (F) | Garschall M.: Dots and Letters: Accessible Braille-Based Text Input for Visually Impaired People on Mobile Touchscreen Devices (F) | Miura T.: Usage Situation Changes of Touchscreen Computers in Japanese Visually Impaired People: Questionnaire Surveys in 2011-2013 (F) |
Suzuki T.: A Support System for Teaching Practical Skills to Students with Hearing Impairment - SynchroniZed TAbletop Projection System: SZTAP (F) | Covarrubias M.: Interacting Game and Haptic System Based on Point-Based Approach for Assisting Patients after Stroke (F) | Goto H.: Real-Time Text Tracking for Text-to-Speech Translation Camera for the Blind (S) | Miura T.: Accessible Single Button Characteristics of Touchscreen Interfaces under Screen Readers in People with Visual Impairments (F) |
Onishi J.: Prototyping Software for Presenting Programing Lecture Materials for Screen Reader Users (U) | Paredes H.: Exploring the Usage of 3D Virtual Worlds and Kinect Interaction in Exergames with Elderly (S) | Wilhelm E.: Towards Displaying Graphics on a Cheap, Large-Scale Braille Display (F) | Ludi S.: Tablet-Based Braille Entry via a Framework Promoting Custom Finger Spacing (F) |
Hänßgen D.: HaptOSM - a system creating tactile maps for the blind and visually impared (U) | Dobosz K.: Games for Wireless Cubes in Cognitive Enhancement Therapy (F) |
Topic: Tactile Graphics and Models for Blind People and Recognition of Shapes by Touch
Chairs: Yoshinori Teshima, Mamoru Fujiyoshi, Susumu Oouchi Götzelmann T.: Towards Automatically Generated Tactile Detail Maps by 3D Printers for Blind Persons (F) |
Dorigo M.: Nonvisual Presentation, Navigation and Manipulation of Structured Documents on Mobile and Wearable Devices (F) |
AlRowais F.: Developing a New Framework for Evaluating Arabic Dyslexia Training Tools (S) | Dobosz K.: Mobile Gamebook for Visually Impaired People (S) | Hakkinen M.: Opportunities and Limitations of Haptic Technologies for Non-visual Access to 2D and 3D Graphics (S) | Muskens L.: Never too Old to Use a Tablet: Designing Tablet Applications for the Cognitively and Physically Impaired Elderly (F) |
Break16:00 - 16:30
Session F16:30 - 18:30
Track 1 | Track 2 | Track 3 | Track 4 |
Topic: Universal Learning Design: Accessibility and AT
Chair: Petr Penaz Kozuh I.: Examining the Characteristics of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Users of Social Networking Sites (F) |
Topic: Games and Entertainment Software: Accessibility&Therapy
Chairs: Dominique Archambault, Jérôme Dupire Kobayashi M.: Blind Bowling Support System Which Detects a Number of Remaining Pins and a Ball Trajectory (F) |
Topic: Tactile Graphics and Models for Blind People and Recognition of Shapes by Touch
Chairs: Yoshinori Teshima, Mamoru Fujiyoshi, Susumu Oouchi Memeo M.: Do Blind Subjects Differ from Sighted Subjects When Exploring Virtual Tactile Maps? (F) |
Topic: Smart and Assistive Environments: Ambient Assisted Living (AAL)
Chairs: Gerhard Nussbaum, David Thaller Ponsard C.: Unlocking Physical World Accessibility through ICT: A SWOT Analysis (F) |
Topic: Differentiation, individualisation and influencing factors in ICT assisted learning for people with special needs
Chairs: Andreja Istenic Starcic, Nick Rushby Riviou K.: UDLnet: A Framework for Addressing Learner Variability (U) |
Fritsch L.: Accessibility and Inclusion Requirements for Future e-Identity Solutions (F) |
Fujiyoshi A.: Development of Synchronized CUI and GUI for Universal Design Tactile Graphics Production System BPLOT3 (F) | Oesterreich D.: Personalized Smart Environments to Increase Inclusion of People with Down's Syndrome: Results of the Requirement Analysis (S) |
Istenic Starcic A.: Learning Environments – Not Just Smart for Some! (F) | Petz A.: Roadmap to eAccessibility (F) | Prescher D.: Production of Accessible Tactile Graphics (F) | Rivas Gil S.: ELDERS-UP!: Adaptive System for Enabling the Elderly Collaborative Knowledge Transference to Small Companies (S) |
Chen M.: Different ICT Competency But Similar Pattern between Students with/without Learning Disabilities? - Results from Structural Equation Modeling Testing (S) | Petrie H.: Web Accessibility for Older Readers: Effects of Font Type and Font Size on Skim Reading Webpages in Thai (F) | Mech M.: Edutactile - A Tool for Rapid Generation of Accurate Guideline-Compliant Tactile Graphics for Science and Mathematics (F) | Aranda J.: An Interactive Robotic System for Human Assistance in Domestic Environments (S) |
Mueller K.: A competence-driven workflow for creating an information portal developed by a diversity team (U) | Petrie H.: Self-Service Terminals for Older and Disabled Users: Attitudes of Key Stakeholders (F) |
Topic: Access to Mathematics, Science and Music
Chair: Art Karshmer Brzoza P.: Intelligent Tutoring Math Platform Accessible for Visually Impaired People (F) |
Giantomassi A.: RGB-D Video Monitoring System to Assess the Dementia Disease State Based on Recurrent Neural Networks with Parametric Bias Action Recognition and DAFS Index Evaluation (F) |
Gačnik M.: ICT Supported Therapeutic Practice for People with Speech and Language Disorders (U) | Petrie H.: Speaking the Language of Web Developers: Evaluation of a Web Accessibility Information Resource (WebAIR) (F) | El Bedewy S.: Gesture-Based Browsing of Mathematics (F) | Jadán Guerrero J.: Experiences and Challenges in Designing Non-traditional Interfaces to Enhance the Everyday Life of Children with Intellectual Disabilities (F) |
Wu T.: The Application of Computer-Based Chinese Handwriting Assessment System to Children with Dysgraphia (F) | Emiliani P.: Implementation of Applications in an Ambient Intelligence Environment: A Structured Approach (F) |
Conference Day 3
Session G08:30 - 10:30
Track 1 | Track 2 | Track 3 | Track 4 |
Topic: Developing Accessible Teaching and Learning Materials within a User Centred Design Framework
Chair: E.A. Draffan McCall K.: Legislation and Standards of Accessibility versus Intelligent Design (U) |
Topic: Towards e-inclusion for People with Intellectual Disabilities
Chairs: Cordula Edler, Harald Weber,Kerstin Matausch Antener G.: Easy to Surf - What Makes Websites Accessible to People with Intellectual and Learning Disabilities (S) |
Topic: Access to Mathematics, Science and Music
Chair: Art Karshmer Deligiorgi D.: Towards the 8-Dot Nemeth Braille Code (S) |
Topic: Assistive Technology: Service & Practice
Chair: Christian Bühler Martinez-Normand L.: A Decision-Tree Approach for the Applicability of the Accessibility Standard EN 301 549 (F) |
Draffan E.: EBooks, Accessibility and the Catalysts for Culture Change (F) | Petz A.: “Easy-to-Read on the Web”: State of the Art and Needed Research (F) | Bernareggi C.: AudioFunctions: Eyes-Free Exploration of Mathematical Functions on Tablets (F) | Belda Lois J.: ADAPTAEMPLEO: Interactive Advisor to Adapt Workplaces for Persons with Disabilities and Promote Employment in the Retail Sector (S) |
Jafri R.: Electronic Braille Blocks: A Tangible Interface-Based Application for Teaching Braille Letter Recognition to Very Young Blind Children (F) | Zahavi O.: Using Assistive Technology to measure Subjective Well-Being of People with IDD and ASD (F) | Voegler J.: Markdown – A Simple Syntax for Transcription of Accessible Study Materials (S) | Petrie H.: A Critical Review of Eight Years of Research on Technologies for Disabled and Older People (F) |
McDonald J.: Fostering Better Deaf/Hearing Communication through a Novel Mobile App for Fingerspelling (F) | Perl A.: Testing the Perceived Ease of Use in Social Media: Acceptance Testing for People with Intellectual and Cognitive Disabilities (F) | Másilko L.: Making Graph Theory Algorithms Accessible to Blind Students (F) | Angkananon K.: User Evaluation of Technology Enhanced Interaction Framework (F) |
Saleh M.: A Fully Accessible Arabic Learning Platform for Assisting Children with Intellectual Challenges (F) | Edler C.: People with Learning Disabilities Using the iPad as a Communication Tool - Conditions and Impact with Regard to e-inclusion (S) | Yamaguchi K.: Braille Capability in Accessible e-Textbooks for Math and Science (F) | Kurniawan S.: Results from Using Automatic Speech Recognition in Cleft Speech Therapy with Children (S) |
Topic: 25 Years of the Web: Weaving Accessibility
Chair: Shadi Abou-Zahra Aupetit S.: Annotation Tool for the Smart Web Accessibility Platform (F) |
Bernareggi C.: MathMelodies: Inclusive Design of a Didactic Game to Practice Mathematics (F) | Baljko M.: Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Assistive Technology: A Communication Board Case Study (F) | |
Martinez-Normand L.: Iberoamerican Observatory of Web Accessibility: A Benchmarking and Educative Tool (F) | Elkabani I.: An Interactive Workspace for Helping the Visually Impaired Learn Linear Algebra (F) | ||
Klein E.: Checking Web Accessibility with the Content Accessibility Checker (CAC) (S) | |||
Break10:30 - 11:00
Session H11:00 - 13:00
Track 1 | Track 2 | Track 3 | Track 4 |
Topic: Using Mobile Technologies to Support Individuals with Special Needs in Educational Environments
Chair: Linda Chmiliar Chmiliar L.: Learning with the iPad in Early Childhood (S) |
Topic: 25 Years of the Web: Weaving Accessibility
Chair: Shadi Abou-Zahra Dias R.: AdaptNow – A Revamped Look for the Web: An Online Web Enhancement Tool for the Elderly (F) |
Topic: Access to Mathematics, Science and Music
Chair: Art Karshmer Gardner J.: The LEAN Math Accessible MathML Editor (F) |
Topic: People with Motor and Mobility Disabilities: AT and Accessibility
Chair: Makoto Kobayashi Thaller D.: Accessible 4D-Joystick for Remote Controlled Models (F) |
Garschall M.: The Influence of Age and Device Orientation on the Performance of Touch Gestures (F) | Bose R.: Accessibility of E-Commerce Websites for Vision-Impaired Persons (F) | Bornschein J.: SVGPlott – Generating Adaptive and Accessible Audio-Tactile Function Graphs (F) | Takahashi Y.: Development of a Personal Mobility Vehicle to Improve the Quality of Life (F) |
Ludi S.: A Tablet-Based Approach to Facilitate the Viewing of Classroom Lecture by Low Vision Students (F) | Davidson M.: JCAPTCHA: Accessible Human Validation (F) | Baptiste-Jessel N.: Free Tools to Help Blind People with Musical Learning (F) | Heumader P.: Automated Configuration of Applications for People with Specific Needs (S) |
Periša M.: Recommendations for the Development of Information and Communication Services for Increasing the Mobility of Visually Impaired Persons (U) | Nietzio A.: Benefits and Challenges of Combining Automated and User Testing to Enhance e-Accessibility – The European Internet Inclusion Initiative (S) | Sasaki N.: The Development of a Music Presentation System by Two Vibrators (S) | Iwabuchi M.: Visualizing Motion History for Investigating the Voluntary Movement and Cognition of People with Severe and Multiple Disabilities (F) |
Chmiliar L.: The iPad as a Mobile Learning Tool for Post-secondary Students with Disabilities (S) | Bohnsack M.: Accessibility of MOOCs (S) | Fajardo Flores S.: Multimodal Interface for Working with Algebra: Interaction between the Sighted and the Non Sighted (F) | Choi K.: A Virtual Reality Training System for Helping Disabled Children to Acquire Skills in Activities of Daily Living (F) |
Chmiliar L.: The Use of eTextbooks on the iPad to Support Post-Secondary Students with Disabilities (U) | Al-Mouh N.: A First Look into MOOCs Accessibility: The Case of Coursera (F) | Kouroupetroglou G.: Performance Metrics and Their Extraction Methods for Audio Rendered Mathematics (F) | Gómez I.: The Possibilities of Kinect as an Access Device for People with Cerebral Palsy: A Preliminary Study (S) |
Köble J.: How to Increase Contrast Using Color Inversion (S) | Ikeuchi H.: Development of Sit-to-Stand Support System Using Ground Reaction Force (S) | ||
Break13:00 - 14:00
Plenary Session: Keynote14:00 - 16:00
Farewell Party16:00 - 17:30
All information is subject to change.